Preferred Programmatic Usage

For programmatic usage, the preferred approach is for users to directly consume the fluid classes directly in your applications. Applications of using the CLI approach with scprop should be limited to that use case.

An example usage:

from scp.water import Water

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.my_fluid = Water()

    def do_something(self):
        # do some calculations
        # ...

        # get fluid properties
        temp = 20  # Celsius
        visc = self.my_fluid.viscosity(temp)
        dens = self.my_fluid.density(temp)

        # continue
        # ...

Other fluids can also be imported and applied in a similar fashion.

Other examples:

from scp.ethyl_alcohol import EthylAlcohol
from scp.ethylene_glycol imoprt EthyleneGlycol
from scp.methyl_alcohol import MethylAlcohol
from scp.propylene_glycol import PropyleneGycol